Damage to your eyes, hands and feet could result from using this tool without proper protective gear. Always wear safety glasses, leather gloves, and steel toe footwear when operating this tool.
If you are not experienced with this type of machine, WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you seek additional training outside of this manual. Read books/magazines or get formal training before beginning any proj- ects. Regardless of the content in this sec- tion, Grizzly Industrial will not be held liable for accidents caused by lack of training.
Tracking Tips
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EgVXi^XZl^i]VhXgVee^ZXZi]Vi^hi]ZhVbZ bViZg^VaVcYi]^X`cZhhVhi]Z[^cVadeZgVi^dc#
AZVkZ V [gVbZ VgdjcY i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ d[ Veegdm^bViZan & i]Vi YdZh cdi \d i]gdj\] i]Z l]ZZah# 6h i]Z XZciZg d[ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ higZiX]ZhVcYi]Z[gVbZYdZhcdi!i]ZbZiVa ^h[dgXZYidWZcY^cidVXjgkZ#
IV`Z ndjg i^bZ# BVcn eVhhZh i]gdj\] i]Z l]ZZah l^i] \gVYjVa ^cXgZVhZh ^c egZhhjgZ VcY adlZg l]ZZa gVY^^ l^aa egdYjXZ \ddY gZhjaih VcY gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ YVbV\^c\ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZhjg[VXZ#
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