Oricom 510 manual Switch on and link the Parent and Baby units, Removing the batteries

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Switch on and link the Parent and Baby units

1.Press and hold the button on the Baby unit for 1 second. The nightlight will briefly illuminate and then the green Link indicator will flash.

2.Press and hold the BUTTONTON THEH0ARENTEUNIT UNTILTALLLTHEH,%$S ON THEHUNIT BRIEmYY illuminate. The green Link indicator will flash and the display will show I’m Linking.


.EVER USESNONRECHARGEABLE BATTERIESEIN THEH0ARENTEUNIT /NLY USE THEHRECOMMENDEDM TYPE nn  XX!! .I-( M!H BATTERIES 5SINGIOTHERHTYPESPCOULDUPERMANENTLY damage the unit. Charge the batteries as instructed in this user guide. The Parent unit can still be used when it is in the charger.

Removing the batteries


Once the units are Linked the green Link light on the top of the Parent unit and THEHGREEN ,%$ ON,THE$"ABYYUNIT WILL STOP mASHINGPANDmREMAIN A STEADYAGREEN 4HEH units are now ready to use.


4HEHLINK CONlRMATION BETWEENETHEHTWOOUNITSIIS VITALTFOR USESSO THEYYCANACOMMUNICATE )F the link between the units is broken at any time, the Link indicators on both units will flash green as they try to search for each other. The Parent unit displays I’m Linking...After 30 seconds, if the link is still broken, the Baby and Parent units Link indicators will flash red. The Parent unit display will show No Link and you will hear an alert signal.

Image 17 Oricom 510 manual Switch on and link the Parent and Baby units, Removing the batteries
Contents Premium Dect Digital Baby Monitor Page Table of Contents Andneven DEATH Important Safety InformationImportant Safety Information 2ISK OFKSUFFOCATION Battery safetyDisposal OTOEVERYTHING Additional answers to Frequently Asked QuestionsGetting Started Parent unit Oricom Digital Baby MonitorMenu options Nightlight Music Feed Timer Eedetimerton VIBRATETON Eedetimerton VIBRATETOFFBattery status Parent unit display iconsFront Charging light Back Power socketParent unit charger Baby unit Back of Baby unit Parent unit menu map Setting UP Low battery indicator Battery icon Charging light Battery low warning Parent unit Battery performanceRemoving the batteries Switch on and link the Parent and Baby unitsPositioning your units If the link is brokenSs Checkkthat the Batterieseare Charged in the 0ARENTEUNIT Switching on/off Using Your Digital Baby MonitorEquivalent sound level examples Baby sound level LED indicatorsLEDs 3-4 = Green LEDs 5-7 = Red At the Parent unit Adjust the loudspeaker volume4HEREEAREE VOLUMEUSETTINGS Mute Low Mute All feature Parent unit onlyTalk Back Talk BackTorch FindParent unit menu When the option you want is displayedNightlight Andnanyyunsaved Changes Willgbe LOSTTurn Off? is Switch nightlight on/off using the Parent unitSet the nightlight timer Turn music on/off using the Parent unit Turn music on/off using the Baby unitPlay music from the Baby unit Minutes Orsyou can Leaveethem Playing CONSTANTLYMin or Constant and press Choose a song to play using the Parent unitSet a play time for music Set the feed timer countdown duration Feed TimerCancel the feed timer countdown Start the feed timer countdownFeed timer alert options Switch timer repeat option on or offSelect the type of feed timer alert Temperature monitor Select the type of temperature alert Temperature monitor indicatorsScreen Only or Off and press To select. The display will show SavedCrying alert Temperature alert optionsScreen Only = Warm or Too ColdScreen Only and press Select the type of crying alertTo select. The display will show Saved and you will Crying alert optionsBacklight ADJUSTINGSVOLUMEList of tones Single toneReset the Baby unit Reset the unitsReset the Parent unit Troubleshooting TroubleshootingProblems Solutions ¥¥F YOU have PressedsIncrease the VOLUME Customer Support Customer SupportHow to make a claim under Warranty in Australia WarrantyOricom has a simple warranty process for you to follow Warranty SERVICERepair Notice Important InformationWarranty Information Australia Warranty Warranty Page Email support@oricom.co.nz Phone 0800 674