•Please have patience. This product requires a little time but the results are wonderful. You should start using it at the begining of your third trimester.
•What you will hear through our Prenatal Heart Listener® will be the natural sounds of your baby. Your doctor uses Doppler ultrasound equipment which produces artificial noise by turning movement into sound. Our Prenatal Listener® amplifies the actual sounds of your baby.
•The best time to listen is 3 to 4 hours after eating and when you are relaxed.
•The Prenatal Heart Listener® must be used in a very quiet room.
•Placing the volume control at a low to moderate level will produce the best results and avoid static.
•You might not hear your baby's sounds immediately so don't be disappointed. The more you use the Prenatal Heart Listener®, the better you will become at finding the sounds. Your baby's position will also greatly affect your success. The best position is with your baby's back to your belly button. Your success will also depend on how relaxed you are. You may have to try several times before you will hear your baby's sounds, particularly the heartbeat.
•Your baby's heartbeat does not sound like your own. A fetal heart beats from
•You will also hear kick, hiccups, and nutrients passing through the placenta. Kicks sound like uneven thumps, hiccups like two rapid drumbeats, and the nutrients like a whooshing sound.