PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE BEFORE | Additionally, please follow these |
YOU OR YOUR CHILD USE ANY | precautions whenever playing |
VIDEO GAME. | a video game: |
A very small portion of the population | • Do not sit or stand too close to the |
have a condition which may cause | television screen. Play as far back |
a momentary loss of consciousness | from the screen as possible. |
when viewing certain kinds of flashing | • Do not play if you are tired or |
lights or patterns that are commonly | need sleep. |
present in our daily environment. This | • Always play in a well lit room. |
condition may cause seizures while | • Be sure to take a |
watching some kinds of television | every hour while playing. |
pictures or playing certain video games. |
Players who have not had any previous |
seizures may nonetheless have |
an undetected epileptic condition. |
If you or anyone in your family has |
experienced symptoms linked to |
an epileptic condition (e.g. a seizure |
or loss of awareness), consult your |
physician before playing video games. |
We recommend that parents observe |
their children while they play video |
games. If you or your child experience |
any of the following symptoms such as |
dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle |
twitching, involuntary movements, |
loss of awareness, disorientation |
or convulsions, DISCONTINUE USE |
IMMEDIATELY and consult |
your physician. |