Vehicle Seat Location Requirements
IMPROPER PLACEMENT OF THE BOOSTER SEAT INCREASES THE RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. Some seating positions in your vehicle may NOT be safe for this booster seat. Some vehicles do not have any seating positions that can be used safely with the booster seat. If you are not sure where to place the booster VHDWLQ\RXUYHKLFOHFRQVXOW\RXUYHKLFOHRZQHU¶V PDQXDORUFDOO*UDFR&KLOGUHQ¶V3URGXFWV,QFDW
Children are safer when properly restrained in rear vehicle seating positions. Whenever possible secure the Graco booster seat in the center position of the seat directly behind the front seats. However, this position is often equipped with a lap belt only and cannot be used.
The vehicle seat MUST face forward.