ÂImage Size: If you’re sending the file to a mobile phone, choose one of the standards. Current maintains the source material size; the resulting file may not play on a mobile phone. To choose a size not listed in the
ÂPreserve Aspect Ratio Using: If you are changing the image size, use this option to specify an option in case the movie needs to be scaled to the new dimensions. Letterbox will scale the source proportionally to fit into the clean aperture, adding black bars to the top and bottom or sides as necessary. Crop centers, scales, and trims to the clean aperture. Fit Within Dimensions adjusts to the destination size by fitting to the longest side, scaling if necessary.
ÂFrame Rate: In most cases, your video will look better if you choose a number that is exactly divisible by the FPS (frames per second) of your source. For example, if your source is captured at 30 FPS, choose a frame rate of 10 or 15. Don’t choose a rate larger than that of your source material.
ÂKey Frame: The more often you specify a key frame (the lower the number), the better the video quality, but the bigger the file.
These additional options are available when you click Video Options:
ÂEncoding Mode: With H.264 video, you can speed up the compression process (for preview purposes, for example) by choosing “Faster encode
3G Audio Export Options
When you export a movie to 3G format (by choosing File > Export and then choosing “Movie to 3G”), you access the following options by clicking Options and then clicking Audio.
ÂAudio Format: If your source movie has only one audio track and it is already compressed, you can choose “Pass through” (so that the audio doesn’t get compressed again).
ÂData Rate: As with video, the more kilobits per second, the better the audio quality.
ÂChannels: Choose between mono (1 channel) or stereo (2 channels).
ÂFrames per sample: Available only with AMR audio, this option enables exported audio data to be packed more efficiently.
ÂSilence detection: Available only with AMR audio, this option detects audio portions with low signal levels and adjusts the data rate of the output accordingly.
ÂOutput Sample Rate: Available only with AAC audio. It’s best to match the sample rate to that of the target device.
ÂEncoding Quality: Available only with AAC audio. By choosing Best, you can get