BLC (Back Light Compensation) ON/OFF
When BLC is turned on, the AGC, ES and IRIS operating points are determined by averaging over the center area instead of entire
BLC should not be used unless it is needed to compensate for
The default setting is OFF.
FL (Flickerless Function) ON/OFF
When picture flicker fiercely, turn FL on, then the camera will stabilize the speed of electronic shutter at 1/100(NTSC) or 1/120(PAL) automatically, and reduce the flicker immediately.
The default setting is OFF
IRIS Level Adjustment
Brightness Level can be adjusted from the IRIS level VR.
Turn counterclockwise to L to get darker picture.
Turn clockwise to H to get brighter picture.
IRIS ALC Adjustment
To select light metering method
Turn the IRIS ALC Adjustment VR counterclockwise for Average Metering.
Turn the IRIS ALC Adjustment VR clockwise for Peak Metering.