Manual: User select both shutter speed and aperture with the meter'srecommendations for correct exposure.
A method of flash photography that combines flash illumination and ambient light.
Subjects lit from behind or near a window normally appear too dark in photographs, so it is recommended you use a flash for
(See "Balanced
Flash synchronization
The timing of the flash so it fires coincident with the operation of the camera'sshutter.
Number that indicates brightness of film plane image. Increasing/decreasing
Guide number
The number given to a flash bulb or electronic flash unit to indicate its power. A guide number may be quoted in meters or feet, and depends on the speed of the film being used. Guide numbers quoted assuming a relatively efficient reflector surrounds the flash source, e.g., an
ISO film speed
The international standard for representing fi lm sensitivity (speed with which it reacts to light). The higher the number, the greater the sensitivity, and vice versa. A film speed of ISO 200 is twice as fast as ISO 100, and half the speed of ISO 400 film.
Matrix Metering system
An advanced camera light metering system using a multi- segment sensor and computer; available Nikon SLR models
Single Lens Reflex. A type of camera in which you look through the camera'slens as you view through the camera finder. Other camera functions, such as light metering and flash control, also operate through the camera's lens.