Nikon EL2 instruction manual Features/Specifications

Page 46


Ty^pe of camera: 35mm single-lens reflex (SLR)

Picture format: 24mm x 36mm (35mm film format)

Lens mount: Nikon F mount (bayonet type)

Lenses available: Nikkor 50mm f/1.4, f/2 or 55mm f/1.2 as standard; more than 50 Nikkor lenses in all Shutter: Vertical-travel focal-plane shutter; speeds of from 8 seconds to 1/1000 second and " B " ; automatic shutter speed selection available when set to " A " set- ting; shutter release via shutter button or self-timer Flash synchronization: Automatic selection as shutter speed is manually set; hot-shoe contact (ISO-type) with built-in safety switch provided;one threaded PC

terminal provided for off-camera flash operation Synchronization range: 1/1000 ~ 8 sec. and " B " for

flashbulbs; 1/125 ~ 8 sec. and " B " for electronic flash

Accessory shoe: ISO-type built into finder housing; fit- ted with hot-shoe contact and electric safety switch which turns on contact as flash unit is mounted

Viewfinder: Fixed eyelevel pentaprism type with built- in through-the-lens (TTL) exposure meter; shutter speed indicated to the left within the viewfield

Focusing screen: Matte Fresnel field with central split- image rangefinder surrounded by microprism ring; 12mm diameter reference circle defines area of meter center-weighting; similar to Nikon Type K screen

Reflex mirror: Instant-return type; lockup lever pro- vided

Exposure metering: Through-the-lens, center-weighted, full-aperture measurement employing two silicon photo-diodes (SPD) for fast response; exposure cor- rectly set either automatically or by matching two needles; meter cross-coupled with both diaphragm and shutter speed controls and automatically index- ed as lens is mounted; powered by one 6V silver-oxide battery

Metering range: EV 1 ~ EV 18 (i.e., f/1.4 at 1 second ~ f/16 at 1/1000 second) with 50mm f/1.4 lens and ASA 100

Film speed scale: Settings provided for ASA 12~3200

Lens diaphragm coupling: Built-in meter coupling lever for Nikkor lenses capable of automatic maximum aperture indexing; meter/diaphragm coupling of from f/1.2 to f/32 provided

Film winding: Via single-stroke lever with 135° winding angle and 30° stand-off angle; lever also serves as meter ON/OFF switch

Frame counter: Shows number of frames exposed (ad- ditive type); automatically resets to "S" (twoframes before "0") when camera back is opened

Film rewinding: Manual via film rewind crank

Depth-of-field preview: Via button provided on front of camera

Body finish: Satin-chrome and semi-gloss black

Weight: 780g (body only)

Dimensions: 145mm x 93.5mm x 54.5mm


Image 46 Nikon EL2 instruction manual Features/Specifications
Contents Nikon Nomenclature Frame counter Brief Guide to Camera Handling Page Contents Foreword Installing the Battery Preparation for USERemoving the Battery Preparation for USE Prior to Shooting Setting the Film Speed Operation of Camera ControlsSetting the Shutter Speed Operation of Camera CON Setting the ApertureFilm-Advance Lever Frame Counter Shutter Release Button LockOperation of Camera Controls Unloading Film Holding the Camera Shutter Release Operation Operation via Cable ReleasePage Out of focus Focus Focusing Infrared PhotographyDepth of Field Depth of Field Page Exposure Measurement MEn j Exposure Measurement Manual Shutter Speed SelectionAmount of light reaching the film plane is deter Metering Range Metering with a bright area in the center will STOP-DOWN Exposure Measurement 0T\ For automatic diaphragm lenses with no coupling ridgeExposure Compensation Adjustments B4WEV Range of the Camera Auto exposure control at full apertureHow to read the EV range chart Full-aperture meteringSection C Flash Synchronization NikonMirror Lockup Tips on Camera Care Page Changing the Lens Coupling Lever Lock/Release Operation Accessories Auto Winder AW-1Page FEATURES/SPECIFICATIONS Page Nippon Kogaku K.K