Philips 220X manual VGA switchers

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VGA switchers

All selectors offered below transfer the VGA signal from 2 up to 8 connected computers to a monitor or projector.

VGA share Basic 2 : 1

No. 5816-11

￿2 inputs / 1 output (all HD15 f)

￿2 select buttons

￿Auto skip, for skipping non-active inputs

￿4 status LEDs

￿Frequency 250 MHz

￿Supports 1920x1440 pixels and DDC1, DDC2, DDC2B, DDC2B+, DDC2AB

￿Metal casing 128x75x45 mm

￿Power supply DC 9V, 300mA

VGA share Basic 4 : 1

No. 5816-12

similar to 5816-11 but with

￿4 inputs / 1 output (all HD15 f)

￿4 select buttons

￿8 status LEDs

VGA share Basic 8 : 1

No. 5816-3

￿8 inputs (HD15 m) / 1 output (HD 15 f)

￿IR remote control for selection of sources

￿Buttons on the unit: up/down for successive selection and blank

￿16 status LEDs

￿Supports 2048x1536 pixels @ 60 Hz and DDC, DDC2, DDC2B

￿Plastic casing 170x190x45 mm

￿Power supply AC9V, 4.5 W and 1.2 m VGA cable (m / f)

VGA Audio Share Pro 2 : 1 - automatic

No. 5816-4

Switches automatically to second input in case of a loss of the original input signal.

￿2 VGA inputs / 2 outputs (HD15 f)

￿2 Audio inputs / 1 output (3.5 mm jack / f)

￿Loop input = input 1

￿ID-Bit control

￿Frequency VGA 300 MHz, Audio 100 kHz

￿Control: automatic or via contact switch

￿Metal casing 120x75x25 mm

￿Power supply 12 V DC, 50 mA

VGA Audio Share Pro 3 : 2

No. 5816-6

High-quality switcher for VGA and symmetric audio signals. Transforms 3 inputs into 2 identical outputs.

￿3 VGA inputs / 2 outputs (HD 15 f)

￿3 Stereo audio inputs / 2 outputs (5-pin clamp connection)

￿Frequency VGA 450 MHz, Audio > 100 kHz

￿Control: 3 select buttons, relais inputs

￿Metal casing 220x180x45 mm

￿Power supply 12 V DC, 146 mA

￿Optional 19" rack adapter

VGA Matrix 2x2

No. 5816-5

The VGA Matrix connects 2 computers to 2 displays or projectors and also functions as signal amplifier.

Each output shows either input 1, input 2 or no signal

￿2 selectable VGA inputs / 2 outputs (all HD15 f)

￿2 select buttons

￿4 status LEDs

￿Frequency 250 MHz

￿Supports 1920x1440 pixels @ 60 Hz

￿Metal casing 130x75x42 mm

￿Power supply DC 7.5 V, 800 mA

Presentation switcher N

No. 7485-2

Presentation switcher RC

No. 7485-3

￿The „central control unit“ for the smaller or medium-sized conference rooms

￿Combines 4 switchers in a 2HE 19" casing

￿4 : 1 switcher for VGA with Audio, Video with Audio, S-Video with Audio

￿All Audio connections symmetric with clamps

￿XLR microphone connection can be adapted to dynamic or condensor microphones

￿Talk-over function for microphone and volume control for Audio source

￿Integrated Audio amplifier 2 x 5 W RMS - for smaller conference rooms a separate amplifier is not necessary


4 VGA (HD15 f), 4 S-Video (4 pin-Mini-Din / f), 4 Video (BNC), 12 Audio (symmetric), 1 microphone (XLR)


1 VGA (HD 15 f), 1 S-Video (4 pin-Mini-Din / f), 1 Video (BNC), 3 Audio (symmetric), 1 Master Audio (symmetric)

Parallel/additional VGA output via Cat5/Twisted Pair - for transmission of VGA signals via Cat5-UTP cable up to 100 m (optional receiver module required)


Via buttons on unit, RS 232-/485-/network interface or IR remote control

￿Control for Audio and microphone level

￿Frequency 350 MHz (VGA), S-Video (385 MHz), Video / SDI (650 MHz)

Additional functions of presentation switcher RC:

￿Integrated Room Controller for controlling the projector, other signal sources, screens, lifts or technical devices in the house e.g. light, shades etc.

￿2 bi-direct RS 232 interfaces

￿3 infrared (for each 2 diodes)

￿4 relais

￿1 Ethernet port

￿Easy programming via Windows-based software resp. integrated IR learning module

CAT5-VGA receiver for 7485-2/-3

No. 7481-10

￿1 input / 1 output (1 x RJ 45 / f, HD15 / f)

￿Frequency 15 MHz @ - 3 dB

￿Control for level (gain) & EQ (Peaking)

￿Metal casing 60 x 65 x 25 mm

￿Power supply DC 12 V, 30mA

Subject to technical alterations, as well as to changes of the design and the colour


Image 35
Contents Presentation Solutions 2007 Kindermann Specialist for presentation solutionsDATA/VIDEO Projectors Compact projector with light weightIdeal business projectors Projectors for education and businessProper projector for conference and lecture rooms Powerful business projectorMulti-talent for interactive presentation Business projector with outstanding featuresHome cinema projector for a photo realistic AV show High-performance projector for permanent installationTechnical data Kindermann range Interchangeable lenses for SX3500 TDP T95/T100 TW95/TW100TLP XD2000 TLP SX3500PLC XU100 / XU110 PLC XT20 / XT25 ECO mode Very low fan noise 29 dBPLC XW50 / XW55 PLC XU84 / XU87PLC XF42 / XF46 Network and PC Quick start and instant off Password protection FunctionsEMP 82 / X3 / S4 EMP 1700 / 1710 EMP 830 EMP 7900 NL / 7950 NLEMP TW 700 / TW Universal W-LAN adapter for d/v projectorsEMP 8300 NL PLASMA/LCD Displays Technical dataOil, smoke and dust resistant HD-ready Sanyo 32/42 LM4R-EAluminium-coated casing Weather proof IP-56 Integrated fan A l i t y Projector Mounting KitsVario Eco line Low price universal useModern and elegant design Vario Comfort lineVario Professional line Adjustable for Sloping ceilings up to Supplied with coverSafety rope AdjustableFlight Frame Projector Mounting Kits and AccessoriesAccessories for Vario ceiling and wall mounts Vario Home Cinema CTAnti-theft devices ANTI-THEFT DevicesMounting material Ceiling MirrorCeiling mirror For data/video projectors Mirror projection system for false ceilingsData/video projector in a false ceiling Ceiling lifts allow you to install yourCeiling Lifts Kindermann ceiling lift Pro 120 / ProKindermann ceiling lift Compact 80 Max. projector weight 20 kgAccessories for ceiling lift Compact 80 / Compact Accessories for Kindermann ceiling liftsDisplay Mounts Size 60x45 cm, material beech Kindermann wall mounts for displaysKindermann display stands Distance to the wall max cmConference controls for Conference ControlsKindermann Pixie Pro Kindermann Pixie Pro System ControlNetwork Room Control Kindermann Pixie Pro NRCControl system for lecturers, teachers and managers Conference ConrolsKindermann Pixie Display Control Suitable for Modular Socket SystemsKindermann MultiMedia socket systems Patch panels for 19 racksAudio Computer / VideoMounting kits Socket system for wall installationData Mixed sourcesDesktop modules Connecting cablesDesktop connections Modules for 19 racks Modules for underfloor installationInstallation kits for underfloor housings Modules for underfloor housingsInstallation Accessories VGA switchers TV Tuners / Progressive Scan Converters Splitters for video signalsSplitters for video/audio signals Hdmi cables VGA cables DVI cablesVGA/BNC-5 cables Compositive Video cables with and without sound USB cablesRS 232/Serial cables Cat5 Patch cablesComponent Video cables Video cablesVideo-/S-Video adapter Scart AdapterPassive loudspeakers by Tannoy Audio SystemsMobile Audio boxes Active loudspeakersSpeakers AmplifierMicrophones Polyvision Webster boards TS / TSL Interactive Presentation SystemsInteractive presentation systems Interactive TFT Display Self-adjusting boards with „Lightning technologyPolyvision Walk-and-TalkTMBoards For ceiling mounting Digital PresentersVisualizer CL Visualizer PS 600 / PSVGA Visualizer DC 153 / Visualizer DCMake your meetings more effective Technical dataCopyboards Copyboards M11Professional Projector with Projectors Keystone correction Light-weight travellersOverhead Projectors A l i t y m a d e R m a n y3000 Portable Overhead ProjectorsFamulus reflex reflex T reflex M Highlights of the reflex projectorsQuality made in Germany Desktop Overhead ProjectorsFamulus alpha 250 alpha Projectors for the small budget „Made in GermanyProfessional projector with extra high light output Weight 13.9 kgFamulus beta 250 beta Famulus beta 575 MHighlights of the beta projectors Large-screen projector with Keystone correction Desktop 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InstallCompact electrol Easy Install Electrical ScreensStandard wall screen Pro Screen Easy InstallManual / Mobile Screens Slim Screen XLStandard tripod screen Tripod ScreensPro Star Pro ViewElegant model with frame Home Cinema Screens / AccessoriesAlso available with black housing Manual wall screen0100 905 002 GB 0107