(5)Procedure for Format7
a)Aquire the available mode for Format7.
Address | Action | Data |
F0F0019Ch | Read | 80000000h |
As bit 0 is set, it means that mode 0 is available.
b) Acquire the CSR offset address of Mode0.
Address | Action | Data |
F0F002E0h | Read | 00400040h |
F0000000h + (00400040h ∗ 4) = F1000100h
It means that the offset address of Video Mode CSR for Format7_Mode0 is F1000100h.
c) Acquire the MaxSize/UnitSize/ColorCodingID.
Address | Action |
| Data |
F1000100h | Read | 050003C0h | MaxSize | |
| 04000300h |
| |
F1000104h | Read | 014000F0h | UnitSize | |
| 020000C0h |
| |
F1000114h | Read | 20000000h |
| ColorCodingID |
It means that MaxSize is 1,280 × 960, UnitSize is 320 × 240, ColorCodingID is YUV 4 : 2 : 2 for the
It means that MaxSize is 1,024 × 768, UnitSize is 512 × 192, ColorCodingID is YUV 4 : 2 : 2 for the
d)Set the ImagePosition/ImageSize/ColorCodingID.
The DFW-SX900 is described as an example.
Address | Action | Data |
F1000108h | Write | 014000F0h | ImagePosition | Specify top left (320, 240) |
F100010Ch | Write | 028001E0h | ImageSize | Specify size (280, 480) |
F1000110h | Write | 02000000h | ColorCodingID |
NOTE : For YUV 4 : 2 : 2, write 02000000h for ColorCodingID.
Take note that this can be easily mistaken for the previously mentioned ColorCodingID