onne tina to TV
You can enjoy images recorded with your HD camcorder on a regular TV that supports standard definition. Images recorded with HD (high definition) image quality (Le. resolution
of "[HD]1080/50i" or "[HD]720/50p") are played back with SD (standard definition) image quality.
The connection methods and quality of the image viewed on the TV screen differ depending on what type of TV is connected, and the connectors used. This HD camcorder supports both
component and composite output for standard definition video transfer.
•Check your TV connection jack and select the connection method depending on the component or the
corrlposite jack, For more informationabout the connection jack and the method, referto the TV user manual,
•This HD camcorder providesa two in one component/AV cable that functions as an component and AVcable. Therefore,when using the component/AV cable, you mustselect the right method forthe camcorder'soutput by setting the "Analogue "IV Out" menu, _page 85
1.Connect the provided component/AV cable to the component jack,
•After the connection is complete, set "Analogue TV Out" to "Component 576p or Component 576L" _page 85
2.Turn on your TV and set the TV'sinput selector to the Input your camcorder is connected to. Refer to the TV'sinstruction manual to see how to select the TV input.
Regular TV
Signal flo_
Domoonent/AV cable
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