digital camera
user’s manual
When you need to take a solo picture or a group picture, including yourself, but no one is there to help you, turn ON the camera's
The Setup Menu
Use the Setup Menu options to control the use of your digital camera. In this menu, you can make adjustments to Advanced Setting, Language Selection, Date and Time, Auto Power Off, Sounds, LCD Brightness.
The Advanced option displays camera information which include the firmware version. It also allows you to restore camera settings back to factory defaults.
Select Yes if you want to reset the camera to the original factory settings.
Use the Language option to choose the language to use for displaying camera menus and messages. By default, English is the selected language.
The languages available for selection may be different on cameras in certain countries.
Set Clock
Use the Set Clock option to set your digital camera to the current date and time (in month/day/ year, hour:minutes format). You need to have accurate date and time settings in order to know when exactly each of your pictures was taken.