3.Select Get Claim Token 1. A new Claim Token will be displayed, which you will need in the next step.
4.On your PC:
Go to http://frameit.live.com/device/claim.aspx to enter the Claim Token, and then click Continue.
5.On the DPF:
On the FrameIt screen, be sure the Status changed from
Registration Required to Registered.
6.If applicable, repeat steps
7.Select Connect to display the Photo Sharing screen. The FrameIt status should change from Setup Required to
Setup Done.
8.Proceed to step 2 in following View FrameIt RSS Feeds instructions.
View FrameIt RSS Feeds
)IMPORTANT: This step assumes that you have already successfully connected the DPF with the Windows Live FrameIt site per previous instructions.
1.On the HOME screen, select
2.On the Photo Sharing screen, select FrameIt.
3.The RSS feed folders that you assigned on frameit.live.com will be displayed; the titles will appear as you highlight the folders. Press ENTER to display the contents of a highlighted folder.
Wait for the feed data to appear; the length of time it takes to appear depends on the amount of feed data contained within the selected folder. For instance, a folder that contains a large number of photos will take substantially longer to display than when you select News or Weather feeds.
TIP: If you make changes to your Windows Live FrameIt account while your DPF is connected (i.e., create new collections), the new feed data will not display until you disconnect and