Polaroid 620 user manual

Page 24



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￿￿￿￿￿￿ www.PolaroidDigitalASIA.com 23

Image 24
Contents 620 Digital CameraPolaroid FUN 620 Creative Kit H i j k l m n o L mTurning the Camera On and Off Inserting Batteries Taking Photos Using the Self-timer Erasing photos From the Camera Installing PhotoImpression 2 Software Transferring Photos to Your Computer Serial USB CameraGet Photo AlbumFrom File Camera/ScannerClick Camera/Scanner English Click Get Photos Getting Help with PhotoImpression 2 software ? buttonCamera Precautions One Year Limited Warranty Polaroid FUN 620 Digital Camera Limited WarrantiesProduct Compliance EMC DirectiveContacting Polaroid Polaroid FUN `a\ I j k l mPage Page Page Page Page PhotoImpression 2 # USB PhotoImpression 2 ¬Vluv PhotoImpression 2 78 \Œ?= PhotoImpression 2 !#$\My Documents\My PictureslmjkxùFw ¨jknopfq…%Mar30$01.JPG Stxuv Twain ,uJl wÔ›v?@jkw JxyzjfÆ Bl¨ 11 uvW 12 ¨\ Dql¨4567› B‹Œ~ PhotoImpression Page Polaroid FUN 620 QR Šðü-.¨1 EC çÑ% Polaroid ¹Ëõóô3²¯›ÅµÕl=ðü›ÎÏûÔþ¿ ÀµÕ¯