• Software Included with Your Camera
The Studio 4 software CD contains the following software:
Polaroid Studio 4 Camera Driver Plug & Play removable disk
Easy to use, just plug the camera to a computer and use it as a removable disk. Use the ArcSoft® PhotoImpression™ 5.0 to edit and print the Pictures.
ArcSoft PhotoImpression™ 5.0 Picture Editing Software
ArcSoft PhotoImpression™ is an easy to use
ArcSoft ShowBiz 1.3 Movie Making Software
ArcSoft ShowBiz 1.3 is an
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader .PDF File Reading Software
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader lets you view and print Adobe Portable Document format (PDF) files on all major computer platforms, as well as fill in and submit Adobe PDF forms online.
DivX®/DivX® Doctor II Advanced Digital Media Format
DivX lets you play, create and share digital video by turning bulky videos into lean, mean DivX files. The DivX® codec (short for compressor/ decompressor) can compress video to a convenient size without losing any noticeable quality and play those videos back on almost any device.
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