Argus AF
Focus Type: Variable from 1¼ to Infinity ft
Years Manufactured: 1937 - 1938
Introductory Price: $15.00
Approximate Introductory Price in 2003 Dollars: $190.00
Serial Number Range: 5000 - 70138
Shutter Type:
Lens Speed: f/4.5
Aperture Settings: f/4.5, 5.6, 8, 11
Shutter Speeds: 1/200th sec, 1/100, 1/50, 1/25, B(ulb), T(ime)
Extinction Meter/Calculator: No
Flash Synch Tubes: No
Pressure Plate: Fixed
The first variant of the original, the AF is identical to the Argus A except that the
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