and the shutter is in the extended position with the optimum pinhole size, the exposure time should be 1.3 seconds (1/100 x 130 = 1.3). Bear in mind that this calculation assumes that the pinhole is exactly 0.0113 inches in diameter, perfectly round, the film is without reciprocity, etc. These conditions are too ideal to consider realistic. If the hole is larger, decrease the exposure time, if it is smaller, increase the exposure time. To ensure that at least one good pinhole picture is made, try taking multiple photographs with double and half of the calculated exposure time.
| Optimum | Approx. | Angle of | f/16 Exposure |
Shutter Position | Hole | View in | Factor on | |
| Diameter |
| degrees | 100 ISO Film |
Shutter in storage position | 0.0113 | 162 | 41 | 100x |
Shutter in extended position | 0.0128 | 183 | 33 | 130x |
Variable Shutter focused at 1.25 ft | 0.0136 | 194 | 29 | 150x |
When you remove the aluminum foil after you are finished, hold it up to the light to inspect it for tears. This will help determine whether your photographs may have been ruined by a light leak rather than
Fig. 8-1: The Pinhole Argus during construction (left), and ready to use (right).
Amateur pinhole photography is, at best, an inexact science. The relatively tiny 35mm negative is also not the ideal format for this type of photography. If the results are disappointing, don’t give up. Part of the fun of pinhole photography is the experimentation and perfection of the technique.
Special Effects For The Proletariat
Some people enjoy experimenting with cameras that take fuzzy or otherwise imperfect pictures. They use cameras like the Diana, the Holga, and the Lomo. When cleaned and operating correctly, the Argus makes reasonably sharp pictures. With a
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