Installing the Software
Follow these instructions to install the camera driver and application software on your PC system.
Note: (For Windows 98SE users ONLY!)
You may encounter a message during the installation that says you have an outdated version of DirectX installed on your computer. It will ask you if want to install the current version of Direct X, you may select “No” and continue with the installation. This will not affect the operation of you computer.
Installing the StyleCam Blink II TWAIN
1.Insert the StyleCam Blink II software CD into your
Note: If the CD does not auto run, click
Start → Run, type in “D:\setup.exe” in the
Run dialog text box (where D:\ is your CD-
ROM drive).
2.Check the box next to Automatic Installation, and click “Continue”.
Note: If your computer already has the applications installed previously, the application will be