Learning about your phone's firmware
The firmware determines the profile supported by your phone. Follow the sequence to learn what firmware version you have:
From the phone's splash screen, using the JOYSTICK, press once to the right. Press STAR, press the JOYSTICK twice to the left, press STAR.
Press the JOYSTICK once to the left, press STAR.
Select the SERVICE INFO option from the hidden SERVICE menu. Press YES.
Select the SOFTWARE INFO option, press YES. The firmware version is the first information displayed.
“Headset” and “Handsfree” Bluetooth profiles The advantages of the use of the Headset profile are :
•Bluetooth link connected only during the calls (low power consumption for the battery)
•Availability of the "MultiTel" option (see details on "MultiTel" option below)
The advantages of the use of the HandsFree profile are :
•Use of the vocal recognition of the phone (no voice tags in the CK3000)
•Use of several CK3000s/BT audio devices with the same handset (no need to select the "Set as First" before using the CK3000)
The T68i phone possess the handsfree profile in addition to the headset profile with firmware equal to R5C or higher. All the firmwares of the following phones possess the “handsfree” and “headset” profiles : T610, T616, T618, Z600 and Z608.
The handsfree profile will be used as a default with the CK3000.
A new feature appeared on the latest versions of Sony Ericsson phones, allowing the support of either the “handsfree” or the “headset” profile : the “Car Handsfree” feature.
“Car Handsfree”
A new function called “Car Handsfree” is available for the following phones :
•T68i phones with the software version R8A015 or later
•T610/T618 phones with the software version R1L013 or later
•T616 phones with all software versions
•Z600 phones with the software version R2D001 or later
•Z608 phones with the software version R2E004 or later
“Car Handsfree” enables the phone to be compatible to the “Headset” profile or to the “HandsFree” profile (menu “Connections”, then “Bluetooth”, then “Options”).
In order to choose between “Headset” and “HandsFree”, select the corresponding profile in the “Car Handsfree” menu. The mode “Powersave” activates the Headset profile.
The mode “Advanced” activates the HandsFree profile.