PhotoPhase Digital Camera Back for Large Format Cameras – User's Guide
However, if you notice that your images contain cyan, magenta, or yel- low lines in the direction parallel with the scan movement, then your CCD sensor may be in need of cleaning. In this case, use the following procedure:
1.With your system fully assembled and with the software running, select the Camera ➜ Maintenance ➜ Cleaning Position menu.
2.With an aerosol containing compressed air, spray the CCD sensor surface to remove any abrasive dust. Do not use a high pressure com- pressed air source. This is likely to damage the CCD beyond repair.
3.Lightly moisten a clean piece of standard lens cleaning paper with some isopropyl alcohol.
4.Rub the CCD sensor surface with the moistened lens cleaning paper. Be careful not to get any alcohol anywhere else inside the camera back. After the alcohol evaporates, inspect the CCD for dust. Repeat if necessary.
5.Use one pump of PhotoPhase
6.Gently rub the CCD sensor surface with the moistened lens cleaning paper. The purpose of this step is to apply a very light coating to pre- vent static electricity from building up on the CCD surface. Do not apply too much of the
7.When you have finished cleaning the CCD, click on the It’s Clean button to return the CCD to its parked position.
8.Always store your camera back with the dust cover slid all the way down over the scan area, so that the CCD sensor and other internal components are protected from dirt and damage.