New Features And Updates For Nuvera 100/120 Only
Bates Print Option
Customers purchasing the DocuSP
♦Document number
♦Page number
Bates Print has the ability to remember the document number, which is automatically incremented for each job.
Bates Print, which runs on Solaris, runs concurrently with DocuSP. It is separately licensed; during installation the processor ID is obtained, via a UNIX hostid command, and supplied to Rochester Software Associates, who return a key for that specific host.
Bates Print processes a job, checking for the existence of an XPIF job ticket; if the job ticket exists, the ticket is used as the starting point for the Bates Print job ticket. Bates Print then adds any of its own job programming parameters that are not already on the ticket. The
DocuSP 4.1 to 4.2 Differences Document | 23 |