Pantone Workflow updates
For DocuSP 4.2, a Pantone processing control has been added. The user now has the ability to disable Pantone processing.
This provides added flexibility when matching Pantone page level elements at the press.
Some pages have three object element types: images (bitmap data), graphics (scalable vector data), and text. In some cases, a shift in hue may be noticed between an image object and a graphic/text object on a page. This shift in hue can occur when using Pantone colors where the graphics/text have formal Pantone calls, while a bitmap/image on the same page is not composed of defined Pantone name/number. In simpler terms, the bitmap has a CMYK "representation" of a color and not a Pantone call. This difference in construction results in proper Pantone number rendering for the Graphics/Text element but a second CMYK based rendering for the bitmap. Therefore, slight hue changes between the bitmap and Pantone graphic/text are visible.
Pantone Processing controls in Queue Manager
Consider the case of a customer who would like to print a document that contains Pantone text, graphics, and images. When he views the document onscreen, using his prepress application, all Pantone data is honored. When he prints the document on a DocuSP controlled printer, the colors look very different from how he saw
DocuSP 3.8 and 4.0 to 4.1 Differences Document | 17 |