N OW Y O U ’ V E M A D E Y O U R F I L M ,
I T ’ S T I M E F O R T H E P R E M I È R E .
It’s not enough that your shots look good in the viewfinder. What happens next is just as important. Canon’s Multi Architecture Camera System (MACS) means that everything you record with the MV600 series is routed to the appropriate storage media with the best possible results. For instance, videos are sent on the optimum route to miniDV tapes. On the MV650i and MV630i models still images can be sent to the SD Memory card via a different route. Simply connect your camcorder directly to a compatible printer to obtain beautiful colour pictures. The MV650i can also record Motion JPEG files onto the SD memory card so you can send them via
MACS ensures that every different recording is treated appropriately, to ensure optimal picture quality.