Canon 3000N manual Auto Exposure Modes

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Full Program (P)

You concentrate on your shot. The camera selects both shutter speed and aperture automatically.

Shutter Priority (Tv)

You select the shutter speed for creative action shots. The camera sets the aperture to match lighting conditions.

Aperture Priority (Av)

You select an aperture setting to control the depth of field. The camera sets the shutter speed.

Automatic Depth of Field (A-Dep)

This mode determines the nearest and farthest subject points then sets an aperture to keep everything in your selected area in focus.

Full Manual Control too!

Lets you take full control and imprint your creativity on your shots.

Full Program: Camera selects both shutter speed and aperture

Manual: You take full control

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Contents 35mm SLR Camera User-selectable autofocus points for added creativity FeaturesWh e n y o u ’ r e m o v i n g u p … Point Autofocus for sharp, clear photosAuto Exposure Modes WHY Change LENSES? M h i g h e r … 11.9 50.0 43.4 82.0 73.0 58.5 33.5 85.5 59.5 S 3 0 0 0 N Specification s