Handling and Safety Precautions
Please ensure that you have read and understood these handling and safety precautions before you operate your PowerShot A5 Digital Camera. Once you have read the instructions on the next few pages, we recommend that you keep the camera with you and try each function as you read about it in the remaining pages.
Exclusion of Liability and Warning Against Copyright Infringement (Please Read)
Exclusion of Liability
Before you shoot images of subjects of importance to you, we highly recommend that you shoot several trial images to confirm that you are operating the camera correctly. Please note that Canon Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliates, and distributors of its digital cameras are not liable for any conse- quential damages arising from any malfunction in a PowerShot camera or CompactFlashTM CF card that results in the failure of an image to be recorded or to be recorded in a format that is machine sensible.
Warning Against Copyright Infringement
Please note that PowerShot digital cameras are intended for personal use and should never be used in a manner that infringes upon or contravenes international or domestic copyright laws and regulations. Please be advised that in certain cases the copying of images from performances, exhibitions, or commercial properties by means of a camera or other device may contravene copyright or other legal rights even if the image was shot for personal use.