IP camera
Q:Why isn't the time show correctly on my image?
A:Please make sure the gateway have access to the Internet, the SNTP is configured and running correctly. The system should connect to the SNTP Server then calibrate on its start up, and recalibrate on every other hours.
Q:Why isn't my IP Address refreshing?
A:Every network device should hold a unique IP address; make sure no other device on the network hold the same address as the CAM77IP Camera. If so, please the CAM77IP address then refresh again.
Q:Why IP Search Tool can found CAM77IP, but I couldn't access it with IE (or browser of any)?
A:This may due to IE is not configured correctly to browse CAM77IP, Proxy server should be closed. The procedure as below.
Internet option _ connection _ Network (disable all the proxy setting)
Q:Which reset we must choose: SW1 or SW2 reset?
A:a. SW1 - CAM77IP will restart (hardware restart)
b. SW2 - Press and hold "Reset" button for over 5 seconds to restore factory default setting. S/W reset could be done by disconnect then reconnect the power source.