1 Introduction
Thanks for buying this National GeographicTM digital photo frame which can show all your digital JPEG photos. Read and follow the instructions in this manual before starting to use your digital photo frame. You will find all information you need.
2 Intended purpose
Copy your photos onto your memory card. Plug it into your digital photo frame and display your photos in JPEG format on the high quality 7" TFT LCD Panel.
Your digital photo frame can display JPEG files up to 10 Megapixel.
3 Copyrights
You will find 20 National Geographic licensed photo on the enclosed CD.
Photographs are the sole property of the National Geographic Society and may not be reprinted, copied or sold without the express written permission of the National Geographic Society.
Photograph by JAMES L. | Photograph by GEORGE F. | Photograph by GEORGE F. | Photograph by PAUL ZAHL / | Photograph by JAMES L. |
STANFIELD / National | MOBLEY/ National | MOBLEY / National | National Geographic | STANFIELD / National |
Geographic Society | Geographic Society | Geographic Society | Society A goldfish (Carassius | Geographic Society |
Mute swans (Cygnus olor) | A dandelion bursts through | High in the Andes Mountains, | auratus ) sporting bulging eye | A plains zebra (Equus |
gather in the grassy marshes | early spring snow cover to | sunlight illuminates the peaks | sockets swims by — a surreal | burchelli ) keeps close watch |
of Nantucket Sound, | bask in sunlight near | of the Cordillera de Paine | reminder of nature’s diversity. | over her young foal in |
Massachusetts, U.S.A. | Appenzell, Switzerland. | range in Chile. |
| Hwange National Park, |
| Zimbabwe. |
Photograph by MICHAEL | Photograph by CHRIS | Photograph by JAMES L. | Photograph by JAMES L. | Photograph by JOHN |
NICHOLS / National | JOHNS / National | STANFIELD / National | STANFIELD / National | SCOFIELD / National |
Geographic Society | Geographic Society | Geographic Society | Geographic Society | Geographic Society |
A humpback whale | On a wild plain in Africa, a | A ghost crab (Ocypode) in a | The Monumental Arch and | Awash in hues of green and |
(Megaptera novaeangliae) | strikingly beautiful cheetah | defensive posture reacts to an | Great Colonnade in Palmyra, | blue, a normally brooding |
crashes back into the water | (Acinonyx jubatus) gazes | intruder’s approach along a | Syria, stand silent testament | Venice shines brightly in the |
after breaching off the coast of | intently beyond the frame of a | beach on Samana Cay, | to the ancient cultures that | midday sun. |
Gabon’s Loango National | photographer’s scope. | Bahamas. | once thrived here. |
Park. |
Photograph by W.E. | Photograph by MICHAEL | Photograph by JAMES P. | Photograph by RAYMOND | Photography b MICHAEL |
GARRETT / National | NICHOLS / National | BLAIR / National | GEHMAN / National | NICHOLS / National |
Geographic Society | Geographic Society | Geographic Society | Geographic Society | Geographic Society |
Awash in beams of golden | Giant panda cub (Ailuropoda | Time stands still along the | Fallen aspen leaves lay | A beautiful wild orchid |
sunlight, a waterfall from | melanoleuca) Tai Shan plays | shoreline of Walker Cove in | scattered across fresh | stretches like a yoga master. |
Havasu Creek falls over and | with his mother, Mei Xiang. Tai | Alaska’s Tongass National | snowfall near Moraine Lake in | This specimen was |
down red rock forming part of | Shan was born in captivity at | Forest. Subsidised logging is | Canada’s Banff National Park. | photographed in Gabon. |
the southern rim of the Grand | the National Zoo in | destroying much of the old- |
Canyon on Havasupai Indian | Washington, D.C., U.S.A., in | growth rain forest found in this |
Reservation in Arizona, | July 2005. | prized American woodland |
U.S.A. |
| region. |