NHT SW 10 user manual Lossary, CtiveUses electricalpower

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G lossary

A ctive:Uses electricalpower.

Am plifier:An electronic device thatincreases the cur- rentand/or voltage ofa signal,providing power to the loudspeakers (i.e.power am plifier, integrated am plifier, receiver).

Bass: The range of audio frequencies below 180Hz, characterized by low pitch.

Crossover: An electronic circuit that divides an audio signalinto differentfrequency ranges.

Distortion:Any deviation from the originalsignal. Driver:The m oving partofa loudspeaker,which radiates sound energy.

Dynam ics:Variations in loudness ofsound. Frequency: A rate of vibration, which corresponds to m usicalpitch,expressed in Hertz (Hz).

FullRange: A signalencom passing the entire audible frequency spectrum .

Hertz (Hz):A unitequalto one cycle persecond,used to m easure the frequency ofa signalorsound. High-Pass Filter:A filterthatpasses only high frequen- cies above a lowerlim it.

Im pedance:A m easure ofthe totalopposition to current flow in an alternating currentcircuit,m easured in ohm s. In Phase:The polarity ofan audio signalwhen connect- ed as follows:(+)to (+)and (-)to (-).

Integrated Am plifier:A pream plifier and am plifier built into one chassis.

InterconnectCable:A length ofshielded wire with plugs at both ends for feeding signals from one electronic device to another.

L.F.E.:"Low Frequency Effects";The .1 channelofinfor- m ation recorded on m ostm ultichanneldigitalsound for- m ats.

Line-LevelConnection:Low levelRCA/phono or XLR type connection.

Load: A term used to describe the im pedance that a speakerpresents to an am plifier.

Low -Pass Filter:A filter thatpasses only low frequen- cies below a higherlim it.

M ain Speakers:FrontL & R channelspeakers,som e- tim es referred to as satellites.

M ain-In:A line-levelRCA/XLR poweram plifierinputon

the back of a receiver, integrated am plifier or power am plifier.

M idrange:The frequency span in the m iddle ofthe audio range,roughly 180Hz -3000Hz. Also used to describe the driverthatreproduces these frequencies.

O hm :A unitofelectricalresistance.Thatwhich opposes an electric currentin a conductor. In audio,a m easure of the load presented by a device to an electricalsource.

O ut-of-Phase: The polarity of an audio signal when

connected as follows:(+)to (-)and (-)to (+). Passive:Uses no electricalpower.

Phase:An expression ofthe relative polarities oftwo sig- nals.

Pow erHandling:The ability ofa loudspeakerto operate withoutlarge increases in distortion when given varying am ounts ofinputpower.

Pream plifier:An electronic device thatselects sources and passes line-levelsignals to an am plifier.

Pre-O ut:A pream p line-levelRCA outputon the back of

areceiver,integrated am plifierorpream plifier. Receiver: A pream plifier, am plifier and tuner built into one chassis.

Satellite:FrontL & R speakers when used with a sub- woofer. Also referred to as "m ain speakers". Sensitivity:A ratio ofvoltage across the speakerload to the acoustic poweroutput,m easured in decibels.

Sub O ut:An line leveloutputfor connection to a sub- wooferorsubwoofersignalprocessor.

Subw oofer:A driver designed to operate over the low bass portion ofthe audio range. Also refers to a system consisting ofa wooferand its enclosure,which are phys- ically separate from the upperrange loudspeakers.

Surround Speakers: Speakers located in the side or rearforsurround channeleffects.

Treble:The upperpartofthe frequency spectrum ,con- sisting offrequencies above about3000Hz.

Tw eeter:A sm alldriverdesigned to reproduce high fre- quencies.

W att:A m easure ofelectricalpower,com bining the volt- age with the electricalcurrentrequired to drive the loud- speaker.

W eight:Low frequencies below 50Hz.

W oofer:A driverdesigned to operate overthe bass por- tion ofthe audio range.

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Contents D e l IM PO Rtant Safety Instructio NS SW 10 lland SW 12 Features & Controls BackgroundPlacem ent Finalsetting Tw o tips on using the Low Pass Filter These diagram s are guidelines only. Your roomTo properly setthe SubwooferPhase Frequency responseAde Connecting The SW 10IIO R SW Main Speakers Reciever Fine Tuning the Subw oofer Frequency ChartPeration TroubleshootingAintenance SatisfactionLossary CtiveUses electricalpowerLim ited W arranty Valid O nly in the U .S.A Specification s