NHT SW 10 user manual Peration, Aintenance, Troubleshooting, Satisfaction

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O peration

We recom m end thatthe SW 10 llorSW 12 powerbe left on,which willallow the built-in Auto M ode feature to dis- able the subwooferwhen notin use.

Every speaker,has lim its,and it's im portantto listen for them .Speakerdam age m ostoften results notfrom brief loud m usicalpeaks,butfrom sustained high volum e lev-

els in som e or allfrequencies. For this reason, extrem e volum e settings and excessive bass,treble or equalizerboosts are notrecom m ended.

Ifyou hearunusualdistortion orbreakup,ornotice heat com ing from the woofer,decrease volum e im m ediately, neutralize any excess bass,treble or equalizer boosts, and avoid setting any controls to sim ilarextrem es again.

M aintenance

YourSW 10 lland SW 12 is designed foryears ofuse with no orm inim alm aintenance,as long as you avoid expos- ing itto directsunlight,high tem peratures,or m oisture. Clean cabinets,when necessary,using a dam p cloth or

am ild, non-abrasive cleaner; to clean grilles, rem ove from speaker and use a softbrush or a vacuum on its lowestsetting. Do notattem ptto clean the actualdriv- er.

9.8 Changing the Line Voltage Setting

The SW 10 lland SW 12 were designed to operate on two

line voltage settings,115VAC and 230VAC . In the event

that it is necessary to change the line voltage setting,

begin by turning the power switch to the off position.

Rem ove allthe connections from the am plifier,including

the detachable power cord. Using a flatblade screw -

driver,slide the switch to the correctposition. Use the

115VAC position for 110 to 120 VAC,and the 230VAC

position for220 to 240 VAC . Nextyou willlikely need a

powercord thatfits the AC receptacle and you willneed

to replace the fuse (see "Changing the Fuse"below)

Changing the Fuse

The SW 10 lland SW 12 am plifier's fuse is user-servicea- ble.

To replace it:

•turn the powerO FF

•unplug the powercord

•rem ove the fuse holdercover(above to the powerinlet)

with a flatblade screwdriver

•rem ove the fuse from the holderand replace itwith the

appropriate type.

•reinstallthe fuse holder

Always replace the fuse with one of the exact sam e specifications.

SW 10 ll:

Forsystem s operating at115 volts,use only a 5x20 m m , T3A,250-volt slow -blow fuse.

Forsystem s operating at230 volts,use only a 5x20 m m , T2.0A,250-volt slow -blow fuse.

SW 12:

Forsystem s operating at115 volts,use only a 5x20 m m , T5A,250-volt slow -blow fuse.

Forsystem s operating at230 volts,use only a 5x20 m m , T2.5A,250-volt slow -blow fuse.


Ifthe SW 10 llor SW 12 fails to operate atallwhen the PowerSwitch is turned on,thoroughly check the power cord,inputand outputconnections

Ifthe SW 10 llor SW 12 turns on butthe LED indicator fails to illum inate,m is-wiring ora powersurge m ay have caused the protection fuse to blow.Replace itwith one of correcttype and value.

Ifthe SW 10 llorSW 12 turns on butits status LED stays red,the unitis gone into protectm ode,which could be caused by incorrect wiring, short circuits, or excessive volum e.Turn offthe PowerSwitch on the subwooferfor two or m ore seconds to reset, and double check all speakercables to be sure thatno sm allm etalstrands are shorting the term inals.

Ifthese steps don'trestore the SW 10 llorSW 12 to oper- ation, contactyourlocalAuthorized NHT DealerorNHT forassistance.


Your satisfaction with your new NHT SW 10 llor SW 12 Subwooferis im portantto us. Please note the m atched products and accessories we provide forthem ,and your warranty,printed on the back ofthis m anual. Ifyou have any questions regarding yourspeakers'use,feelfree to callNHT at1-800-NHT-9993. Enjoy yourlistening and viewing!

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Contents D e l IM PO Rtant Safety Instructio NS Placem ent SW 10 lland SW 12 Features & ControlsBackground These diagram s are guidelines only. Your room Finalsetting Tw o tips on using the Low Pass FilterTo properly setthe SubwooferPhase Frequency response Connecting The SW 10IIO R SW AdeMain Speakers Reciever Frequency Chart Fine Tuning the Subw ooferTroubleshooting PerationAintenance SatisfactionCtiveUses electricalpower LossarySpecification s Lim ited W arranty Valid O nly in the U .S.A