Quick guide
●Repeat rate
The refresh rate determines how often a DiSEqC command is output. A refresh is only necessary with cascaded system.
●Control voltage
The control voltage controls the switch of the polarisation level (horizontal/vertical) in
●22kHz signal
The 22kHz signal controls the switching between high and low band in the Band setting. The Position setting controls the selection of the satellites in non- DiSEqC capable components.
The Toneburst controls the selection of the satellites in
Press OK to adopt settings and press J to continue.
1 Select Satellite1 to Satellite4.
2Select satellite name from list and press OK. Press J to continue.
3Specify here the oscillator frequency for your LNB.
Normally you do not need to change the values for high and low band, unless the LNB of your satellite system uses a different oscillator frequency (important for the frequency display).
See Setting options for all
Setting options for DiSEqC one cable communal system
1Select which DiSEqC single cable system you are using and press OK.
2Select satellite name from list and press OK. Press J to continue.
3Specify here the oscillator frequency for your LNB and press OK. Press J to continue.
Normally you do not need to change the values for high and low band, unless the LNB of your satellite system uses a different oscillator frequency (important for the frequency display).
4Select and adjust settings for DiSEqC single cable communal installation.
Select the desired transmission channel and the corresponding transmission frequency.
PIN protection
If your system is designed for it, it is possible to protect your used transmission data from use by other subscribers with a PIN.
Define/change PIN
Here you can determine and change the PIN for PIN protection. Only possible when yes has been selected for PIN protection.
Continue with Setting options for all types of reception on page 13.