table of contents
features and specificatIons
stereo/mono Input connections
Congratulations on !.lour purchase of a Lanzar VECTOR series amplll'ler.You have purchased
aquallt!.l product designed and engineered to give !.IOU man!.l !.Iears of uncompromlsed musical service. VECTOR series ampll'lersare designed with the latest technolog!.l avaDable. which provides headroom for even the most demanding peaks and d!.lnamlc ranges found on modem CO'sand recordings.
features and specIfIcatIons
features and specIfIcatIons 6- 7
features and specIfIcatIons
features and specificatIons
s!.lstem wirIng speakRr connections
Input connections
VCT..qIID 18
speakRr connectIons VCT..qIlD 19
mono Input connections 20
electrIcal connectIons
stereo/mono Input connectIons
speakRr connectIons
mountIng and InstallatIon 24
protectIon clrculT!.I and troubleshootIng 25 precautions 26