Logitech MX 5000 LASER manual Source Bluetooth SIG

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This new Bluetooth generation offers new possibilities for next-generation applications for consumers worldwide, including:

Enhanced stereo audio applications.

Internet quality video applications.

Further power optimization.

Multiple connections from a single device.

Logitech’s diNovo Media Desktop Laser and Cordless Desktop MX 5000 Laser are both using Bluetooth 2.0 with EDR technology, making these products ready to communicate with the latest generation of Bluetooth devices.

1.5What is the data transmission rate of Bluetooth 2.0 with EDR?

The data transmission rate for Bluetooth 2.0 EDR communication is theoretically at 3Mb/s (Megabits per second), making it 3 times faster than the previous generation.

Source: Bluetooth SIG

1.6What are the main differences between Bluetooth 1.2 and Bluetooth 2.0 EDR?

The main motivation for the release of the new version was to improve existing usage scenarios that require increased data throughput. Scenarios requiring higher throughput may be image transfer, printing and synchronizing. In these cases the new release makes the Bluetooth wireless technology faster and better for the consumer to use.

The main features offered with these enhancements are:

Backwards compatibility with earlier versions.

3 times the transmission speed makes existing usage scenarios better.

Lower power consumption through reduced duty cycle.

Simplification of multi-link scenarios due to more available bandwidth.

Further improved BER (Bit Error Rate) performance.

© 2005 Logitech, Inc.

Bluetooth FAQ



Version 2.0


Image 6 Contents
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