Logitech MX 5000 LASER manual What is discoverable mode or visible mode?

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An industry first, Logitech's SecureConnect™ Technology – featured in products such as the Cordless Desktop MX5000 Laser – means that the wireless keyboard and mouse have been pre-connected to the receiver. This not only provides an instant secure link with the computer right from the start but also means that a passkey is no longer required, the main benefit of which is a faster, hassle-free installation.

1.12 What is "discoverable mode" (or "visible mode")?

For one device to initially "find" another Bluetooth device, one product must be in discoverable mode (be "visible"), while the other performs a device discovery (or "device search"). The way you put your product in a discoverable mode varies by device and by manufacturer. Most devices allow a user to configure the default state. Please consult the documentation that came with your Bluetooth device to find specific instructions on device discovery.

For security reasons it is recommended that you do not usually leave your devices in a discoverable state. However, there are usage cases where this does make sense – for example, a Bluetooth printer in a shared area would be a good example of a device that should always be in discoverable state.

Logitech keyboards and mice are in discoverable mode when you press the 'Connect' button located on the bottom.

1.13 What is a Bluetooth "profile" (or "service")?

A profile or service is a list of options, features or functionality available for a specific Bluetooth device. Since Bluetooth wireless technology is used for many different types of applications, it is necessary to describe how the different devices and their applications should operate together. For example, profiles or services available for a Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone may include Dial-up Networking, PIM Item Transfer, PIM Synchronization, Network Access, and so on.

For devices to work together, it is important that each device shares the same profile. For example:

If you want to connect a headset to a mobile phone you need the 'headset' profile in both devices.

If you want to establish a dial-up session to reach the Internet from a PDA connected to a mobile phone, you need the 'dial-up networking' profile in both devices.

An example that is not likely to work together:

A mouse, which typically supports the HID (Human Interface Device) profile, and a mobile phone are unlikely to work due to the fact that, presently, there are no phones that support the HID profile or service.

These are just some examples. When purchasing your Bluetooth device, please keep this concept in mind to ensure that the devices you purchase will work together as expected. Usually the supported profiles or services are listed in the user documentation for the device.

© 2005 Logitech, Inc.

Bluetooth FAQ



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