Jump Feature
The jump Jump button on the vehicle dock allows you to jump to a
When the jump Jump button is pressed, the traffic/weather report will be tuned. (Figures 38
&396) If the traffic/weather report for your location is not immediately available, a Waiting for local report message will be displayed to indicate a jump is active. Once your local report is ready, the Stiletto will automatically tune to the traffic/weather report.
Pressing the jump | Jump button while the traffic/weather report is pending will cancel the |
search. Pressing the | jump Jump button after the radio has tuned to your traffic/weather re- |
port will return back to the channel to which you had been tuned immediately prior to pressing the jump Jump button.
The traffic/weather report for your location is associated with the jump Jump button using the Settings menu. If you press the jump Jump button, but have not yet selected a traf- fic/weather location, you will be prompted to select a location from a list of available cities. (Figure 40)
Traffic & Weather
Figure 38
NY Traffic
Figure 39
Traffic & Weather
Dallas / Fort Worth
Figure 40
[ Operation ] 45