Local time offset
Use the buttons to set the time zone variation from UTC (formerly GMT) (e.g. for Great Britain + 0 hours).
Use the buttons to switch to the “Automatic clock change” field.
Automatic clock change
Use the buttons to select whether the receiver should automatically change over to and from summer and winter time. If “On” is selected, the receiver automatically sets itself to the right time. If “Off” is selected, the field for manual selection of summer and winter time is displayed below.
The buttons are also used to perform the setting. Press the button to exit the menu again.
Always follow the operating instructions from your
Smartcards and CA modules are not included with this product!
The cards and modules are issued by the respective pay TV providers, and contain the subscriber data and details of the channels for which the subscriber has paid. These channels are always scrambled.
Contact the Pay TV provider if you are interested in subscribing to a particular Pay TV channel.
You are responsible for the use of the Smartcard in the CA!
The Smartcard sold by the pay TV provider, specific to a particular encryption technology, is inserted into the CA module.
Store your card and PIN code securely when not in use!