5. Support Services & Worldwide Offices
Psion Teklogix provides a complete range of product support serv- ices to its customers worldwide. These services include technical support and product repairs.
5.1 Technical Support
Technical Support for Mobile Computing Products is provided via
5.2 Product Repairs
For technical support outside of Canada or the U.S.A., please contact your local Psion Teklogix office listed on our worldwide website:
Click on the heading labelled “Contacts” to choose a Psion Teklogix technical support representative closest to you.
Canadian and U.S. customers can receive access to repair services, by calling the
Note: Before calling the
customer number or trouble ticket number available.
Voice: 1 800
Fax: 1 905
52 Psion Teklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2