2PRESET 1 (Random)
If you press this, is indicat- ed in the display and starts to play files in the folder being played in ran- dom order. Press again to cancel.
If you press and hold until you hear a
beep, is indicated in the dis- play and starts to play files in all fold- ers on the disc being played in ran- dom order. Press again to cancel.
3PRESET 2 (Repeat)
If you press this, is indicated in the display and starts to repeat the file being played. Press again to cancel. If you press and hold until you hear a
beep, is indicated in the dis- play and starts to repeat the folder being played. Press again to cancel.
4PRESET 5 (1)
While this is pressed, play of the track is reversed. (There is no sound.)
5PRESET 6 (¡)
While this is pressed, play of the track is fast forwarded. (There is no sound.)
If you press this, is indicat- ed in the display and starts to play the first 10 seconds of each file in the folder being played. Press again to cancel.
If you press and hold until you hear a
beep, is indicated in the dis- play and starts to play the first 10 seconds of the first file of each fold- er. Press again to cancel.
Press and display indications change as follows:
In case of MP3 and AAC:
ELAPSED TIME = FLD NAME (Folder Name) = FILE NAME = ALB TITLE (Album Title) = TR TITLE (Track Title)
=ART NAME (Artist Name)
In case of WMA:
ELAPSED TIME = FLD NAME (Folder Name) = FILE NAME = TR TITLE (Track Title) = ART NAME (Artist
When 3 is displayed, if you press and hold until you hear a beep, the display will change to the next page. A maximum of 2 pages (32 charac- ters) can be displayed.
With WMA discs, the Album Title is not displayed.
When playing back a disc recorded with the Multi Session system, the first ses- sion only is played back. If the first session combines MP3, WMA and AAC files and music data