M e n u f u n c t i o n s
If you have tried to access or have accessed confidential information requiring passwords, empty the cache after each use. To empty the cache, select Menu > Web > Clear the cache.
Service inbox
The phone can receive service messages (network servcie) (pushed messages) sent by your service provider. To read this service message, select Show. If you select Exit, the message is moved to the Service inbox. Select Menu > Web > Settings > Service inbox settings > Service messages > On (or Off) to set the phone to receive (or not to receive) service messages.
Browser security
Security features may be required for some services, such as banking services or online shopping. For such connections you need security certificates and possibly a security module which may be available on your SIM card. For more information, contact your service provider.
■ SIM services
Your SIM card may provide additional services.
For information, contact your service provider.