Nokia 9XXX user manual Views, Task list view

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Plan User Manual


Plan supports the following views, all accessible from the “View > Change view” menu option:

Task list

Gantt view

Resource list


The first two views show tasks using different display formats. The resource view shows the list of resource available. The holiday view shows resource holidays for a single selected resource.

In the task views many of the same keys have the same function, for example the up and down cursor keys change the current task and the enter key edits the current task. In each of these views the current task will be highlighted.

As well as selecting a view from the menu you can also cycle through the views using the Ctrl-Q key combination.

Task list view

The task list view shows the following fields for each task:

Description. Textual description of the task.

Start. Calculated start date

End. Calculated end date

Work. Man hours work value

Resources. Resources assigned to the task

Dependencies. Other tasks this task depends upon to start/finish

% done. Percentage of work completed.

Saved work, start & end. Recorded/baselined work/start/end values

Early start & end. Earliest dates task can start and end

Late start & end. Latest dates task can start/end without delaying the final plan end date

Res. cost. Costs associated with the resource labour costs

Fixed cost. A fixed cost which can be entered for the task

Total cost. Total cost of the task

W.B.S. Work Breakdown Structure code – a unique identifier for the task

Note. Freeform note associated with the task

Text1 – Text5. Freeform text associated with the task

Number1 – Number5. Freeform values associated with the task

In the task list view and Gantt view each task is shown on a separate line of the display. One of the tasks on the screen will be highlighted and is referred to as the current task. Pressing the up and down arrow keys changes the current task. If there are more tasks than will fit onto the screen then when at the top or bottom of the screen pressing the cursor key will scroll the screen vertically to display the next task off the screen. Use the Ctrl or Chr keys with the

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Contents Plan for Nokia User Guide About this manual What is Plan?Introduction As a SIS file InstallationPre-installed on an MMC As a ZIP file for use with a Nokia 9210/9210iPurchase via voice call Purchase OptionsPurchase via the Internet Purchase via postPage Project Planning Fundamental conceptsExample Calculation of task datesCreating a new resource Fast Start TutorialCreating a new plan Setting dependencies Creating tasksSample Plan Summary tasksUpdating a task Transferring data between Plan and your desktop PCMPX file format KEY Features Page Views Task list viewGantt view Resource viewHoliday view Tasks Editing tasksCosts/Notes Summary and sub-tasksCustom Fields Sorting tasks Baselines saved work/start/end dateDefault work hours ResourcesUser notes. Freeform note associated with the resource Plan application Preferences Calculation Settings and PreferencesCalculation/Storage Settings