Moving from one tab view to another has no effect on the function of the Back softkey in these views: from all of them the back function leads to the same place – the previous level in the application. The tabbed views are in this respect interpreted as one state in the application.
When a state has tabbed views, one of them is the default view that is opened when the user enters the state from the previous level.
When the user has proceeded from a tabbed view into a deeper hierarchy level, the Back function returns to the same tabbed view where the user came from (which is not necessarily the default view described in the previous bullet).
The possibilities to go forward from tab views may differ from one view to another (although typically they are similar). This means that one tab view may have other functions available to the user than another tab view in the same state.
Folder hierarchies
When browsing within a folder hierarchy, Series 60 UI offers a direct access from one folder to another (“sibling”) folder in the same level. The left and right scroll keys are used to accomplish this. The Navi pane displays the folder number versus the total number of folders in the parent list.
Figure 4-3. In this example, each displayed state is a folder containing a list of items. State one contains three folders (1-1, 1-2, 1-3). When the user has opened one of these, there is a possibility to move directly into the other two folders without first going back to state 1. Folder 1-1 contains two sub- folders and folder 1-2 contains one. There can be individual items in each folder in addition to the folders; those are not visible in the state diagram.