The mark and unmark functions are available in the Options menu of the markable list. Alternatively, or as a shortcut, the user can keep the Edit key pressed while using the navigation and Select keys in the following way:
Pressing the Select key while holding Edit marks the current item. This is a toggling function, so pressing
Pressing a scroll key (up or down) while holding Edit marks both the current item and the one onto which the focus moves. If the user keeps holding the Edit and scrolls further in the same direction, all the scrolled items become marked; to unmark the items in reverse order the user can scroll into the opposite direction while keeping Edit down.
Items can be unmarked by
Several marking actions can be done subsequently. The user can mark an item, then release Edit, browse and move the focus onto some other item on the list, and then mark that item. The first item remains marked, and the ones between the two do not become marked.
All items become unmarked when the user exits the list, for example by back stepping. Items remain marked if the user opens and cancels the options menu, or swaps applications.
Pressing and releasing the Edit key alone does not cause any action.
If the user presses the Select key (without Edit) when there are marked items on the list, then the
A markable list functions exactly like a normal selection list, except for the marking feature.
The user may access the options menu to do functions on all marked items at once. Only the functions that are applicable to multiple items simultaneously appear in the options. Appropriate error handling must be designed for functions that don't apply to some or all of the marked items.
When executing a function, if any of the items are marked, all the marked items are affected by the function. If the focus is on an item that is not marked, the function does not affect that item.
After the selected function is successfully done, all items are unmarked. In an error case, when the function cannot be applied, the marks should remain in place.
The options menu includes marking and unmarking functions in a submenu so that any user can find the feature. The submenu has also Mark all and Unmark all options.