Calculator | 33 |
Currency converter | 33 |
33 | |
7. Browser | 34 |
Manage your browser | 34 |
Access web sites | 34 |
Enable/disable push messages | 34 |
STK | 34 |
8. Camera | 35 |
Camera | 35 |
Video recorder | 37 |
9. Fun | 38 |
Java | 38 |
Sensor games | 39 |
10. Music | 40 |
Music player | 40 |
FM radio | 42 |
11. My files | 45 |
Find your files | 45 |
Manage your files | 45 |
Share your files | 46 |
Use your files | 46 |
12. Calls | 47 |
Call history | 47 |
Call options | 47 |
13. Bluetooth | 49 |
About Bluetooth | 49 |
Connect to a Bluetooth device | 49 |
Get connected by a Bluetooth device | 50 |
Edit your device list | 50 |
14. Profiles | 51 |
Adjust ring settings to different scenes .... | 51 |
15. Settings | 52 |
General | 52 |
Display | 54 |
Sounds | 54 |
Connectivity | 55 |
Motion sensor | 55 |
Icons & symbols | 56 |
Precautions | 57 |
Tips | 62 |
Troubleshooting | 63 |
Philips Authentic Accessories | 65 |
Trademark Declaration | 67 |
Specific Absorption Rate |
Information | 68 |
Limited warranty | 70 |
Declaration of conformity | 73 |