Dicota none FeaturesFeatures -- DataCourierata ourier, Operational current / charging procedure

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User Manual DataCourier

Operational current / charging procedure

When connecting to a power socket, please ensure that the power cable is first connected to the case and then to the power socket!

The charging procedure should generally be done while the case is open!

Scopecope ofof supplysupply DataCourierata ourier

(1)1 x 220 V power socket, cable tree 2 x EURO 8 and 2 x IBM

(2)Synthetic box with cable tree

(3)8 x 3M Velcro pads (self-adhesive)

(4)3 x keys

(5)Removable briefcase

(6)Padded shoulder strap

FeaturesFeatures DataCourierata ourier

Case features







(1)Padded Notebook compartment

(2)Document compartment

(3)Specially fitted ABS box for power supply units

(4)Two side pockets on each side

(5)Two combination locks

(6)Reinforced handle

(7)Removable briefcase









Image 8
Contents DataCourier Inhaltsverzeichnis InhaltsverzeichnisAllgemeine Hinweise DataCourier Llge eine in eise Ata ourierLieferumfangLieferu fang -- DataCourierata ourier Ausstattungusstattung --DataCourierata ourierBetriebsspannung / Ladevorgang KofferausstattungAchtung AbbWie Sie die Netzteile verstauen InstallationInstallation derder SteckdoseteckdoseVerstauungerstauung derder Netzteileetzteile Verbindungerbindung Notebookotebook --Druckerrucker Aufladen des SystemsTable of contents General information DataCourierCase features FeaturesFeatures -- DataCourierata ourierOperational current / charging procedure InstallationInstallation ofof mobileobile printerprinter How to store the power supply units InstallationInstallation ofof powerpo er supplysupplyStoragetorage ofof powerpo er supplysupply unitsunits Connectiononnection Notebookotebook -- printerprinter Charging the systemTable des matières Table des atièresCher/Chère cliente Conditions d’utilisationContenuontenu dede lala boîteboîte -- DataCourierata ourier Équipementquipe ent --DataCourierata ourierTension d’alimentation / Recharge Intérieur de la malletteOuvrez la mallette DataCourier et procédez comme suit InstallationInstallation dede lala priseprise Comment ranger le bloc d‘alimentationChargement du système Raccordement de l’ordinateur portable et de l’imprimanteAccorde ent de l’ordinateur portable et de l’i pri ante