Using the Phonepad
| ’ | ABC | DEF | ? | |
1 |
| GHI | JKL | MNO | ! |
2 |
| PQRS | TUV | WXYZ | 8 |
3 | 123 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
1Choose a text input option
2Change the character case and turn on the caps lock
3Display numbers
4Display symbols and smileys
5Enter a space
6Open the input settings menu to change, for example, the Writing languages. This key also changes the writing language when more than one input language is selected.
7Enter a carriage return or confirm text input
8Delete a character before the cursor
All illustrations are for illustration purposes only and may not accurately depict the actual phone.
To open the Phonepad for the first time
•Tap a text entry field, then tap or touch and hold if you have already selected more than one input language. Tap Portrait keyboard and select an option.
Once you’ve made the setting, you can simply activate the Phonepad by tapping a text entry field.
To switch between the on-screen keyboard and the Phonepad
1When you enter text, tap , or touch and hold if you have already selected more than one input language.
2Tap Portrait keyboard and select an option.
Remember the Phonepad is only available in portrait orientation.
To enter text using the Phonepad
When using the Phonepad, you can choose from two input options:
•When appears in the Phonepad, tap each character key only once, even if the letter you want is not the first letter on the key. Tap the word that appears or tap to view more word suggestions and select a word from the list.
•When appears in the Phonepad, tap the
To enter numbers using the Phonepad
•When the Phonepad is open, tap . A Phonepad with numbers appears.
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