1To edit a draft, select it to open it. You can change or add recipients, and edit the message.
2To send a draft, select it to open it and press K under Send. When you send a draft, it is removed from the drafts folder.
Note: To delete a draft without sending it, highlight the message you want to delete and press K under Delete. Press K under Yes to confirm.
more mesage management
delete an | Press /> Y Messages |
unread | > Inbox. Highlight the |
message | message and press K |
| under Delete. Press K under |
| Yes to confirm. |
view unsent | Press /> Y Messages |
messages | > Outbox. |
resend a | Press /> Y Messages |
failed | > Outbox. Highlight the |
message | message and press K |
| under Resend. |
cancel an | Press /> Y Messages |
unsent | > Outbox. Highlight the |
message | message and press / |
| > Delete Message. |
forward a | Press /> Y Messages |
sent | > Sent Items. Highlight the |
message | message and press / |
| > Forward. Make edits if you |
| want, then select the |
| recipient and press K |
| under Send. |
essentials 23