.......... FAQs
Q.What is PC*MILERMobile?
A.PC*MILERMobile is a navigation system that provides automated
Q.How does PC*MILERMobile work?
A.PC*MILERMobile is able to determine your position using the Global Positioning System (GPS). When you enter a destination using the phone or Web site, the route information is downloaded to your phone, and
Q.Where can I use PC*MILERMobile?
A.PC*MILERMobile can be used in most metropolitan areas where there is Nextel coverage. You can use the phone in or out of a vehicle to provide directions to your destinations. For the GPS to work properly, the phone should have a clear view of the sky and be away from tall buildings, covered parking areas, tunnels, and dense foliage. In order to get a route you should be near a public road.
Q.What is GPS?
A.The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite positioning system. A constellation of satellites broadcasts signals around the world that can be used by GPS receivers to determine positions using triangulation. The signals are free and can be received anywhere on Earth where there is a clear view of the sky.
Q.How accurate is the GPS receiver?
A.GPS accuracy ranges from 20 meters to 100 meters. Most of the time the GPS is accurate within 30 meters, which is about 32 yards.
Q.What is an ideal GPS environment?
A.The GPS receiver requires an open, clear view of the sky. Buildings, covered parking areas, tunnels, and dense foliage can hinder the GPS signals. Weather conditions do not impact the performance of GPS. If you are parked in a covered parking lot or near a tall building, it is recommended that you move away to have a clear view of the sky and then use PC*MILERMobile. The phone should be attached to the windshield in the holder for best performance.
PC*MILERMobile User’s Guide | 36 |