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• Over 5 million points of interest (ALK and Motorola combined) including weight stations, truck stops, and truck washes
© 2005 ALK Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Device Requirements
PC*MILERMobile can be installed on either an iDEN i88s or iDEN i58sr cell phone. The phone’s software must be R88.01.05 or higher to be compatible with PC*MILERMobile.
The phone must have these Nextel services:
•Total Connect data service, 1 MB or greater with either a private or public IP address, or Packetstream Gold data service, allowing unlimited data use.
•A voice service plan that includes a personal telephone number.
Minimum Memory Requirements
Free space required to install PC*MILERMobile:
26 KB data space
139 KB program space
Free space required to install PC*MILERMobile Administration:
1 KB data space
25 KB program space
To download audio clips after PC*MILERMobile applications have been installed, approximately 80 KB of data space is needed.
Verifying Phone Software
PC*MILERMobile requires version R88.01.05 or newer software on your i88s or i58sr phone.
To view the current software version on your phone:
1.Power on your phone.
2.On the Nextel screen, press the following four keys, one after the other, allowing no more than a second between key presses:
•# key
2 | PC*MILERMobile User’s Guide |