7.1 Introduction
CLA (SYN5383B) and headset(SYN7453A) and Chargers SPN4365B/SPN4364B are compatible with Core Mod II.
New chargers allowing a 20% faster charging time are as follows:-
Charger 3 pin 230Vac, 7.5V | AAPN4005A |
Charger, Aust, 7.5V | AAPN4006A |
Charger, Euro/Bang 7.5V | AAPN4007A |
Charger, HK 7.5V | AAPN4008A |
Charger, Malaysia 7.5V | AAPN4009A |
Charger, PRC 7.5V | AAPN4010A |
Charger, Taiwan 7.5V | AAPN4011A |
Charger, Switch Mode 8.1V | AAPN4003A |
Modulus II magazine battery is not backward compatible to
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