[*] Press long Shows symbol screen.
[0] Press short Enters a space Character.
[#] Press long Changes the text input mode.
Deletes characters one by one.
[c] Press short Returns to previous screen after delet- ing all characters.
Deletes all characters and moves the
[c] Press long cursor to the beginning of the input screen.
Using T9 mode
In the T9 alphabet Editor, each word is composed completely as you input the text.
❶Press the keys numbered
[2] to [9] to input text. For example, press
[4][3][5][5][6] in sequence to input ‘hello’. The word you are typing appears on the display. It may change with each key you press.
❷Enter the whole word before editingor deleting any keystrokes.
Entering Text 
❸Upon searching a word, input the next text.
❹If the search fails, press the [*] key to search which text can be typed in. The phone displays the most commonly used choices first.
❺Continue entering the next word.
Using ABC Mode
When typing in ABC mode, press the key labelled with the target letter:
- Press the key once for the first letter.
- Press twice for the second letter.
Example: To display the letter “C”, quickly press the [2] key three times. To display the letter “K”, press the [5] key twice. This method is called
NOTE The cursor moves to the right when you press a different key. When entering the same letter twice or a different letter on the same key, just press the Right key or wait a few seconds for the cursor to move to the right automatically, and then enter the next